Government - going Digital
The digital era demands modern government technology. And we are there to help transform Government serives.
User-friendly and smart Government services
The Government is rising to the levels required by the digital era in order to offer ways for the public to access its services digitally.
Queues and birocratic nightmares should be a thing of the past and our Company works together with the authorities on moving services on-line for the citizens.
The success of the Government as a whole relies on a deep collaboration among branches, ministries, departments. We work together with these organizations on establishing smooth and automated flows of data from one authority to the other.
The E-Government
E-Transformation is not only about the tech. It is a new way of thinking, a new way of working together - for the people.
Digital government transformation
A smart government needs smart instruments. We are always there to provide the latest technologies for e-transformation.
Security and privacy
Processing personal data requires the highest standards in matters of security and privacy. Our products and the hardware we provide through our venders meet those expectations.
Customer Experience
The customer experience is a decisive factor in whether a product will be used by the general public. Our UI/UX efforts rise up to the challenge.
The nexus of tech and smart government
Supporting and modernizing education
Education is the foundation of an advanced society and it needs constantl re-alignment with the requirements of the ever more complex economic and political landscape. We participate in this process with the best hardware we can supply through our vendors and the best e-learning platforms to drive education forward.
Advanced healthcare
Great health is imperative for a well-functioning society. And keeping costs down is critical. We consult and supply technologies to do just that.
Social sphere
Quality social services are a hallmark of an advanced society and we support the efforts of the government to help the vulnerable through country-wide software platforms that deliver to those in need.
Intelligence in fighting crime
Together with our partners we supply state of the art technology for threat detection, risk assessment, operational planning and execution.
Our Partners
Through our partner HPE, we supply, configure and maintain top of the line servers, storage and networking equipment for our clients.
Oracle databases are present in the wide majority of government organizations and our specialists are always ready to offer professional assistance in operating the critical stores of data.
The Microsoft software is fundamental for the daily operations of most organizations. We are here, on the ground, ready to supply, maintain the wide range of Microsoft applications.